This is all from /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ and /var/www/html/mp3 on Jim-ITX (.45) $.post("/cgi-bin/", { action: "getvoices" }) .done(function (result, status, xhr) { console.dir(result); //const obj = JSON.parse(result); obj=result; console.dir(obj); $.each(obj, function (i, item) { // console.dir(i); $('#voice').append($(' The result comes back as a object: {{::voices.png|}} code to generate the "result" if action == "getvoices": voices = text_to_speech.list_voices().get_result() v = voices['voices'] persons = {} for x in v: name=x['name'] description = x['description'] language = x['language'] if language.startswith('en',0): nam = re.split(":",description) persons[nam[0]]=name jo = json.dumps(persons) print(jo)